FIFA world cup Group stage 2 Analyses

Yesterday finished group stage 2 matches.These results are show team are qualify or un qualify team Identify. The totally 31 matches finished.

Group A
Russia, Uruguay easily selected for next round But Group A First place Team selected in Russia vs Uruguay match Results. Out team are Egypt, Saudi Arabia.

Group B
Spain 4 points, Portugal 4 points, Iran 3 points
 spain directly selected next round because Spain vs Morocco match, Spain lost or match died Spain selected sometimes  Spain vs Morocco match tied and Iran won of against  Portugal Iran selected directly or
Portugal vs Iran match died and Spain vs Morocco match died Portugal directly selected so the change of results sometimes
Portugal and Spain  80% Change Qualify Round 16  

Group C
France already selected next competitive team Denmark or Australia. Denmark 4 points, Australia 1 points so next match France vs Denmark and Australia vs Peru.

This match results in France vs Denmark match died or France lost, France and Denmark selected next round sometimes Denmark lost the game and Australia won of against Peru, Denmark or Australia selected in different goal.

Group D
Croatia already selected
Nigeria 3 points, Iceland and Argentina one points so This Group very difficult selection another team. Argentina vs Nigeria match Argentina won and same time Iceland lost or died of against Croatia Argentina selected.

Argentina lost the match against Nigeria, A Nigeria selected round 16.

Chance of next Round Nigeria 50%,Argentina 30% ,Iceland 20%

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